No One Is Alone

Cristina Weisman - Music & Performing Arts Teacher

I recently performed in Stephen Sondheim's Into the Woods at Hoboken Children's Theater. Two of the songs in the show had a tremendous impact on me: "No One is Alone" and "Children Will Listen." The story of Into the Woods is about the standard fairy tales of Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Little Red Riding Hood. While the first act is upbeat and childlike, the second act takes a dark turn and dives deep into the consequences of our choices and how we represent ourselves in front of our children. 

"No One is Alone" is one of the most beautiful songs in the show. Most people think it is about feeling lonely, but it is in fact about how every choice we make in life has an effect on everyone else.  The music is written so intricately that even the singers impact each other if their timing is right or wrong. I have not been able to remove the lyrics from my mind as I reflect on how everyone is so deeply connected. To see the bigger picture in life is to understand how our choices impact the lives of everyone around us. 

Another song that stole my heart in the show was "Children Will Listen." The two songs are greatly intertwined as Stephen Sondheim boldly writes, "Careful the things you say; children will listen," and, "Children will look to you, for which way to turn." Just listening to these lyrics reminds me that children are watching everything we say and do. We model the behavior for our kids. 

So ask yourself – are you going to teach them that there are consequences for our actions, good and bad? Are we taking responsibility for our choices? Are we displaying strong apologies and giving fair and respectful boundaries? Are we taking care of ourselves physically and emotionally? According to "No One is Alone," "People make mistakes, Fathers, Mothers." Parenting mistakes are going to happen and should happen. View them as opportunities to teach your children by recovering and reflecting on them. Your children are a reflection of you. I know it's tough to look deep inside and reflect on who you are but our children are the best and worst of us. So slow down your life, stop, think, and reflect on how your everyday actions impact your children, your friends, and everyone around you. 

Click here to listen to the Broadway version of "No One Is Alone."

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